Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Smoking during abundance lowers levels of 'good' HDL cholesterol in children

The research, published online today in the European Heart Journal, showed that, by the age of eight years, children born to who smoked while they were pregnant had HDL levels of about 1.3 millimoles per litre (mmol/L), compared to the more normal level of 1.5 mmol/L in children born to mothers who had not smoked. After adjustments for various factors that might affect the result, the difference attributable to mothers' was about 0.15 mmol/L. The researchers found that this effect was independent of whether the children had been exposed to other people's smoke after birth, suggesting that prenatal exposure had the most impact on the children's subsequent development.

David Celermajer, Scandrett Professor of Cardiology at the University of Sydney, Australia, who led the study, said: "Our results suggest that maternal smoking 'imprints' an unhealthy set of characteristics on children while they are developing in the womb, which may well predispose them to later heart attack and stroke. This imprinting seems to last for at least eight years and probably a lot longer."

Although cigarette smoking during and after is known to be linked to a range of childhood health problems, including behavioural and neurocognitive problems and sudden infant death, until now it has been unclear what effect prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke had on the risk of future cardiovascular disease.

Prof Celermajer and his colleagues decided to examine the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on the thickness of the arterial wall and the levels of lipoproteins in a group of 405 healthy eight-year-olds, born between 1997 and 1999, who had been enrolled before birth into a randomised controlled trial that was investigating asthma and allergic diseases। The researchers collected data before the children were born and as they grew up, including information on mothers' smoking habits before and after pregnancy, the children's exposure to passive smoking, and measurements of height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure. They used ultrasound scans to measure the arterial wall thickness and, in 328 children who agreed, they took blood in order to measure lipoprotein levels.

Although there was no effect on the thickness of the children's arterial wall, Prof Celermajer found that there was an effect on levels of HDL cholesterol, which remained statistically significant after adjusting for a range of factors that might have been different in children born to mothers who smoked, such as post-natal smoke exposure, duration of breast feeding, physical inactivity and body mass index.

The researchers believe that the lower levels of HDL cholesterol at this age suggest there could be a serious impact on health in later life, as the children will probably continue to have low levels in adulthood. " tend to track from childhood to adulthood, and studies have shown that for every 0.025mmol/L increase in HDL levels, there is an approximately 2-3% reduction in the risk of coronary . If we extrapolate this, we can suggest that the difference of 0.15mmol/L between children of smoking mothers versus non-smoking mothers might result in a 10-15% higher risk for coronary disease in the children of smoking mothers. This is an approximation only, but the best one we have," said Prof Celermajer.

The researchers point out that the prevalence of smoking during pregnancy is still high, at around 15% in many Western countries. Therefore, their findings may be important for informing population-based strategies for preventing heart disease in later life, especially as HDL cholesterol plays an important role in protecting against atherosclerosis – a condition in which fatty materials collect along the walls of arteries, thickening and eventually blocking them, leading to problems such as angina and heart attacks.

"Children born to mothers who have smoked during pregnancy will need to be watched particularly carefully for other coronary risk factors, like high blood pressure, high LDL, 'bad' cholesterol levels, and especially cigarette smoking themselves," said Prof Celermajer.

"The only ways to increase HDL levels are regular exercise and with the use of certain medications such as Niacin. We will have to do long-term follow-up to see if these particular children continue to have lower HDL cholesterol levels than normal, but one should presume that this risk factor might indeed be persistent."

The mechanism whereby maternal smoking during pregnancy lowers HDL cholesterol in children is unknown. "One of the advantages of studying this in eight-year-old is that the usual factors that drive down HDL cholesterol, such as obesity and diabetes, are absent, and so we can infer a more or less direct effect of smoking on HDL levels, rather than one mediated through changes in body composition or vulnerability to diabetes," concluded Prof Celermajer.

More information: "Maternal cigarette smoking is associated with reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in healthy 8-year-old children". European Heart Journal. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr174

Provided by European Society of Cardiology (news : web)

Nanowire-based sensors offer improved detection of volatile organic compounds

The recently published work is proof of concept for a made of a single nanowire and metal oxide nanoclusters chosen to react to a specific organic compound. This work is the most recent of several efforts at NIST that take advantage of the unique properties of nanowires and metal oxide elements for sensing dangerous substances.

Modern commercial are made of thin, conductive films of . When a volatile organic compound like benzene interacts with , for example, a reaction alters the current running through the film, triggering an alarm. While thin-film are effective, many must operate at temperatures of 200° C (392° F) or higher. Frequent heating can degrade the materials that make up the films and contacts, causing reliability problems. In addition, most thin-film sensors work within a narrow range: one might catch a small amount of toluene in the air, but fail to sniff out a massive release of the gas. The range of the new nanowire sensors runs from just 50 parts per billion up to 1 part per 100, or 1 percent of the air in a room.

These new sensors, built using the same fabrication processes that are commonly used for silicon computer chips, operate using the same basic principle, but on a much smaller scale: the gallium nitride wires are less than 500 nanometers across and less than 10 micrometers in length. Despite their microscopic size, the and titanium dioxide nanoclusters they're coated with have a high surface-to-volume ratio that makes them exquisitely sensitive.

"The electrical current flowing through our nanosensors is in the microamps range, while traditional sensors require milliamps," explains NIST's Abhishek Motayed. "So we're sensing with a lot less power and energy. The nanosensors also offer greater reliability and smaller size. They're so small that you can put them anywhere." Ultraviolet light, rather than heat, promotes the titanium dioxide to react in the presence of a volatile organic compound.

Further, each nanowire is a defect-free single crystal, rather than the conglomeration of crystal grains in thin-film sensors, so they're less prone to degradation. In reliability tests over the last year, the nano-sized sensors have not experienced failures. While the team's current experimental sensors are tuned to detect benzene as well as the similar toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, their goal is to build a device that includes an array of and various metal oxide nanoclusters for analyzing mixtures of compounds. They plan to collaborate with other NIST teams to combine their ultraviolet light approach with heat-induced nanowire sensing technologies.

More information: G.S. Aluri, A. Motayed, A.V. Davydov, V.P. Oleshko, K.A. Bertness, N.A. Sanford and M.V. Rao. Highly selective GaN-nanowire/TiO2-nanocluster hybrid sensors for detection of benzene and related environment pollutants. Nanotechnology. 22 295503 doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/29/295503

Provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (news : web)

Scientists finally determine iceman Otzi's last meal

Researchers from the Institute for Mummies and the in Italy divided the presentation into three different topics. The first part of the presentation was given by microbiologist Frank Maixner. He had recently examined old tomography scans taken of Otzi back in 2005 and was able to finally locate the stomach which was farther up in the torso and in an unusual position. They found the stomach to be full and, upon examination and sequencing of the DNA, they determined that Otzi had eaten Alpine ibex just 30 to 120 minutes before his death.

The next presentation was led by anatomist Frank Ruhli and dentist Roger Seiler from the Centre for Evolutionary Medicine through the University of Zurich. They presented the dental health of Otzi who was presumed to have dies between the age of 35 and 40. Using three-dimensional images of his teeth, they showed how Otzi had suffered some form of blunt force trauma to two teeth only a few days before his death. They also showed how he suffered from periodontal disease and many cavities. These signs of cavities confirm the fact that the Iceman had consumed a diet full of carbohydrates.

The final part of the presentation was led by geneticist Angela Graefen from the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman. She reported that her team had finally succeeded in sequencing Otzi’s full genome. This genome has already shed some light on some previous beliefs. While most artists performing facial reconstructions of Otzi have shown him with blue eyes, the new sequenced show that he probably had brown eyes.

The neural basis of visual illusions in fruit flies

The paper, authored by Prof. Michael Reiser, graduate student John Tuthill, and postdoctoral fellow Eugenia Chiappe, focuses primarily on experiments performed on tethered flies in a virtual flight simulator. While experiments in the behavior of tethered flying flies have been conducted for over 50 years, and are considered routine and reliable, aspects of this particular study posed some obstacles.

“The main technical obstacle was imaging from the fly brain while the animal was walking,” notes Tuthill. “When flies are stationary, their is in a state of relative quiescence. Their visual neuronal responses are amplified only when they move – and looking at visual neuron activity in actively behaving flies has until recently been impossible.” The team addressed this challenge by adopting techniques for 2-photon imaging in walking flies developed by their collaborators in Vivek Jayaraman’s lab at Janelia.

In addition, Tuthill adds, “this was one of the first applications of tools that have been developed for measuring calcium signals in the brains of awake, behaving flies. Now that these very difficult techniques are possible, we can ask specific questions about how information is processed in the brains of animals as they interact with the environment.”

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Demonstration of the three basic visual stimuli used in Fig. 1: standard, reverse-phi, and reverse-phi out of phase motion. All stimuli move from left to right at 8 frames/s and correspond to a flattened view of the entire cylindrical display. (c) PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100062108

This is not to say that the team isn’t continually innovating। Currently, for example, they’re developing tools to record from visual neurons in both walking and flying flies to help them understand how a fly’s visual system works as it moves through its environment. “The ideal case would be to combine behavior, electrophysiology, and imaging in a single experiment,” Tuthill envisions. “Instead of doing separate tethered flight and physiology experiments, we would measure the behavior of the fly as it flies through a virtual landscape, while simultaneously recording the activity of neurons in the visual system.” They are also interested in combining 2-photon imaging (which has relatively poor temporal resolution) with whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology, the goal being an improved ability to record signals from neurons in the fly’s peripheral visual system that respond with a very short latency.

Another area that is extremely challenging is the vast array of unique cell types in the visual system in between the photoreceptors and motion-sensitive neurons that the team recorded from – somewhere in this dense region, consisting of two neuropils called the lamina and medulla, neurons implement the fundamental computation of motion detection. “There are many ways in which this computation could be implemented, and some have been described mathematically,” Tuthill explains, “but we don’t understand how information is processed in these intermediate circuits.” The good news is that their research suggests a way in which neural motion detection correlates light signals in space and time using a fixed temporal delay that may better illuminate research into the cellular basis of these computations. “The primary task now is to dive into this neural jungle with electrodes and microscopes and find the neurons involved,” he adds. “Only then will we know how motion detection is computationally implemented in the fly visual system.”

Going forward, Tuthill is interested in looking at genetic tools for that are becoming specific enough to allow them to assign precise functional roles to specific neuronal cell types involved in visually-guided behaviors. “Once a behavioral role is identified for a neuron type, one can then use calcium imaging or electrophysiology to understand how that neuron fulfills a certain behavioral function and operates within the dense network of the brain. This is the approach that we and others are taking to try to understand the neural mechanisms of computations like motion detection.”

Moreover, Tuthill notes that while the genetic techniques used in this paper (the GAL4-UAS expression system) are likely not relevant for treating humans because they require genetic engineering across multiple generations of flies, “because many of the same genetic pathways underlie the development of the nervous system across the animal kingdom, elucidation of developmental genes and signaling pathways in the fly will continue to have an impact on the treatment of visual disorders. We hope – although we are still a long way from knowing this – that many principles of neural computation will also be shared across species, and that someday we can apply the knowledge we have obtained in animals like flies and mice to understanding other brains, including those of humans. Therapeutic intervention at the level of individual neurons is probably a long way off given our current lack of basic knowledge about the brain, but someday it may be possible – and perhaps less far off for the retina.”

In terms of other potentially promising near-term and future applications, Tuthill points out that the basic computational principles they discover in the visual system could someday spur innovations in machine vision – although he acknowledges that it will be some time before they understand enough about how these neural circuits operate to make a deep contribution. “One interesting aspect of this particular study is that we show that the reverse-phi illusion is perceived by flies much as it is by humans. There is no particular reason why this has to be true—there are many motion detection algorithms that would not detect reverse-phi. Perhaps there is some fundamental reason that many animals perceive this illusion, and understanding why this is true could lead to improved machine vision algorithms for detecting and processing image motion in the face of a noisy and far from ideal visual world.”

More information:

-- Neural correlates of illusory motion perception in Drosophila, Published online before print May 17, 2011, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100062108 ; PNAS, June 7, 2011, vol. 108 no. 23, pp. 9685-9690.

-- Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus